Friday, July 11, 2008

July 4th Weekend Pics

Here are some pics from July 4th in New Jersey.

Sienna learning Piano - starting young
Maggie and Ryan looking for fire flys

Ron teaching Ryan the harmonica
Ryan loved the swimming pool!
Ryan hanging out with Ron Ryan and friends

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Finally...a family update

Hi there,

OK, so it has been a few months since I updated this. Hey...I work full time and have two small kids. Who has time to update blogs??

Anyway, all is well here. The kids are growing like weeds. Ryan is getting to be such a big kid. He talks like his mommy - all the time! Yup, he is mine for sure. If you ask him a question, you better expect a 10 minute answer. He is getting really smart - he seems to absorb information like a sponge (which he gets from his daddy). Sometimes his questions amaze us and we wonder where he comes up with them.

He was a ring bearer in a wedding (Karen and Andrew) in the beginning of June. He did really well. Actually, he joined the band and had a great time. He looked so cute in his tux. He also did well walking down the isle, until he got to the end and thought he would walk back down the other way as the bride was coming down the isle. Oops. Anyway, he danced the entire night and had a blast. At one point the band leader let him get on the microphone and and he said congratulations to Karen and Andrew (and then to mommy, not sure why) and then said "I love you mommy... I love you daddy". That's my baby!

Sienna is growing so fast, we can't believe it. She turned 1 on 6/13. God, the year has flown by! She started walking right before her b-day and has not stopped. She loves to climb on anything she can. Her favorite thing to do is to stand up on her little chair without holding on. Of course, then she falls over flat on her face and cries. 2 minutes later, she is back up on the chair.

She is eating everything! Well, everything except broccoli. Last night I have her steamed wonton and broccoli. She seperated all the broccoli and then started to throw just those peices on the floor. she out eats her brother every meal. A few weeks back at day care, she had a snack at 3:30 in the afternoon. 1/2 a box of mac and cheese. Then she came home and was hungry for dinner. Amazingly, she had her 1 year appt this morning and she is only 1/2 pound more then Ryan was at her age and she is only in the 25% for weight (50% for height).

She is also talking a bit. Basically, momma, dadda (which she says all the time), and hi. She will go back and forth with me saying "hi" for 5 minutes. Apparently, she said "more" yesterday at day care, but I have not heard it yet.

We took our 1st family of 4 vacation Memorial Day. WE went to Myrtle Beach, SC. We stayed at a friend's condo on the beach for a week of sun and fun. The kids had the best time. We took them for walks on the beach every night and Ryan really enjoyed playing in the water and sand. It was Sienna's first time in the sand. I don't think she was 100% sure that she liked it. But, by the last day she was much more comfortable.

Well, that about covers it. Mommy and Daddy are both good. We are both working a lot, but hey...that's what pays the bills. We treasure the time we spend with them.

Here are some pics from the wedding Myrtle Beach and Sienna's 1st b-day.

Love to everyone,

Suzanne, Lloyd, Ryan and Sienna

Monday, April 07, 2008

April Showers bring May Flowers

Hi Everyone,

Here are some pictures of the kids mommy took last night and over Easter. Wow, they are growing fast!

Sienna is crawing now. Ok, half regular crawling, half military crawl (on elbows and belly). She stands up on everything! Mommy, she fall all the time! She has lots of bumps and bruises.

She is also eating more grown up food. She loves cherrios and bananas the best! Now if she could just get the cherrios in her mouth by herself!

Ryan is doing really well! He loves playing with Sienna and making her laugh. He talks all time (also just like mommy). His vocabulary is growing like crazy! The other day he told me something was magnificant! Last week mommy told him I loved him to infinity and he told me "no mommy, you love me to 8 Cross Creek Lane. Too funny! Ryan has also discovered the computer. He loves to play the backyardigans games on line.

Daddy is jammed with tax season, just trying to make it through the next week. Ryan misses him like crazy. We are almost there.

Mommy took the job at Anthem Blue Cross where she has been temping since October. So far, so great. After the last project that took all her nights and weekends, everything else is a breeze!

Well, enjoy the pics.


The Majors

Friday, February 15, 2008

Where does the time go?

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to send out a quick update on how things are going in the Major household.

Ryan and Sienna are growing like weeds - where does the time go?

Ryan and Sienna are both in day care full-time. They are doing so well. It is a home day care and the woman (Joyce), just got another toddler. Ryan and Jayden are best buddies already. Sienna also has a new playmate, who is 8 weeks old. OK, they may not be playing now, but soon enough.

Ryan continues to be such a wonderful big brother. He takes such good care of Sienna. At dinner the other night, Seinna was just sitting there in the high chair and Ryan left the table, found a toy for her, and then gave it to her and told us she needed something to play with. He just loves here to death!

These days Ryan is very into "Big Kid" TV. He loves Go Diego Go, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and The Backyardigans. He toggles between the shows.

He is now starting to use our words against us. God, we did not realize this started happening already. The other day, Daddy told him that he needed to put his toys away, it was time for bed. Ryan turned and said "Daddy, be patient! I am not done playing with my toys".

We also took him skiing this year for the first time. He loved it!!! We took him up to Mount Snow, VT for the weekend in January, and then in Feb we took him up to Mad River Glen in northern VT. Ho loved it and could not get enough!!! We think he is a natural. In a few years, he will be blowing me away on the mountain.

Sienna...she is a cutie! She has just about mastered sitting up and she is very close to crawling. right now she resorts to rolling and scooting to get what she wants. With Ryan, I got down on the floor and basically taught him to crawl (he did it that night). With Sienna, we are NOT pushing it. The longer she is not mobile, the better for us. Besides, this stage is going to be over so fast, we really want to enjoy it while it is here.

She is starting to eat a lot more fruits and veggies now. Mostly out of the jar, but that should change soon enough. We are going to start her on chicken this week - woohoo!

She just got over a very bad virus. She had a 104.4 fever the other night and had some convulsions. Apparently, it was her body's way of shaking out the fever. That was scary! But, a few days later, she is feeling much more like her fun, smiley self.

As for Lloyd and I...we are both extremely busy with work right now. Lloyd is in tax season, and I am finishing up a project at work that has me working between 10-13 hour days - not fun. But, that should be over at the beginning on March, when I can move on to the next big project.

I have been consulting at Anthem Blue Cross since October, and I love it! They are planning on making me an offer on March 3, as I understand it. They are going through a re-org so they had to wait until then. If everything goes the way I want, I will take the position.

Well, that is about it on our end. Hope everyone is well. Here are some recent pictures, enjoy!

Don't forget to check back once in a while for another Major update soon.