Monday, June 27, 2005

Another Weekend Gone

This was a tough weekend at the Major residence. Wednesday, daddy twisted his ankle and mommy had to take him to the ER. Luckily, he only sprained it and needed an ace bandage and crutches. Unfortunatly, that left mommy taking care of both daddy and I. This is not easy. Especially since daddy is the one that always moves the sprinkler around a million times a day and waters all the trees and plants. Guess it was time that mommy learned to do it anyway. It is not easy walking around the yard looking for little holes in the ground where daddy had previously had the sprinkler set up just right to hit certian spots on the lawn. It truly is an exact science. .

Anyway...Saturday Nana Reva came up and spent the day. She slept over and left Sunday morning after breakfast. Then Sunday, we went to our neighbors for a swim in the pool and a cookout. It was fun. I really enjoyed swiming in the pool.

The new formula (Nestle Good Start) seems to be working well. The throwing up is getting much better. Not gone, but better. It is basically under control and we are all much happier. Especially mommy since she does not have to change her clothes several times a day.

ok, mommy needs to get me to daycare so that she can get home and get some work done.

Hope everyone is well. Love you all.


This is my new toy that mommy bought me from a friend at work. Best money she ever spent, because I love it!!! Of course, I don't love it as much as my fingers, but a close second.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

Nothing like a good nap after a big meal of formula and summer squash.  Posted by Hello

Hanging out on Father's Day.  Posted by Hello

Grandpa and I on Father's Day! Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's a great day!

So, we started Ryan on Similac Alimentum Tuesday evening. Yesterday, he threw up twice, but not as much as normal. Today...0. Yes, that is a big, fat zero. I am not holding my breath yet, it could be a coincidence, but I am excited just the same. This is the first day that I have not been thrown up on for as long as I can remember.

Of course, it was not as good a day for daddy. lol. We were all up this morning at 6am. When Lloyd got in the shower, I got up and fed Ryan. When I was done, I asked Lloyd to change him so I could get in the shower. We were both trying to get out the door this morning. Ryan had pooped a little while before, but I wanted to try and keep him upright as long as I could to avoid him throwing up. So anyway, Lloyd takes him into his room to change him. All of a sudden, I hear Lloyd yell out to me that Ryan had poop up to his ears. Next thing I know, Lloyd comes into the bathroom and said that it was so bad, he has to take Ryan downstairs and give him a bath. Poor Lloyd. So, it may have been a clean day for me, but Lloyd would not be able to say the same. Guess we all have our bad days. (hehe - better him then me!)

Keep your fingers crossed that the new formula is going to help.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Guess what! I found my feet. They taste good.  Posted by Hello

See Mommy, I can eat with the spoon myself.  Posted by Hello

This is my friend and neighbor Louis. He is 9 months old. Right before this was taken, he tried to put my foot in his mouth to see if it tasted different then his. When mommy ran for the camera, he stopped doing it. Posted by Hello

This is my friend Maggie. My mommy and daddy had dinner with her and Ron last night. She won't tell me her age. Posted by Hello

The test results are in...

And Ryan does have Acid Reflux.

Friday we went to Yale to have the upper GI test done. Lloyd got up at 4 in the morning to feed him, and then he could not eat again till the test. We were so worried that he was going to wake up screaming for food. He woke up around 7am and was happy as can be. He did not even start fussing for food until we were at the hospital, about to go in for the test. Even then, we were able to keep him occupied and pretty happy. When we went in for the test, they had to strap him down to the table, which started him crying. I don't blame him, who would want to be strapped down. This of course, bothered me much more then him. I sat and held his hand, trying to distract him until they were ready for him to drink the barium. As soon as they gave him the bottle, he was happy. Until they had to take the bottle away and move him to the other side. But then they gave it back and he was ok again. All of a sudden, a few minutes later the dr. said "here it comes" and Lloyd saw everything come back up his esophogus (sp?). Luckily, it came up but not out tha time or we would have had a mess! They called it Acid Reflux and the test was over. They said that they would send the report to our dr. and we could talk to him on Monday.

I called today, but they still don't have the final test results and I have to call back tomorrow (Wed.). I think I am going to try and switch his formula after I talk to the doctor. Right now he is throwing up almost every bottle.

And by the father, like son...Ryan hates Peas! Opens his mouth wide, but when he realizes they are peas, he makes a yucky face and won't eat them. This week, we are trying Squash. Daycare said that he ate an entire jar for lunch yesterday. They said that he loved it so much, he gave it all back to them about 5 minutes later. He is also grabbing the spoon from me and trying to feed himself. What a cutie!

Till next time...


Monday, June 06, 2005

Ryan's First time in the water

This weekend was a lot of fun! Saturday, we went to a BBQ at our neighbors and got to know them better. Sunday, we went to Cassandra's 2nd B-day party and got to hang out with the family. When we got home Sunday afternoon, our other neighbors envited us over to use the pool and BBQ. Lloyd took Ryan in the pool for the first time. Ryan seemed to really enjoy the water. We had a great time!

Then...last night, we decided that since Ryan was not coughing too bad, we would try him in the crib. He slept 10 hours!!! We thought for sure he would revert back to the 6.5 hours, so we were shocked. He woke up a few times during the night, and cryed the slightest bit and then put himself right back to sleep. We were very proud.

We are looking forward to Ryan getting the GI test done this Friday at the New Haven Childrens Hospital. We want to know once and for all what is going on with him. Is it Acid Reflux? Allergies? Something else? I feel so bad for the little guy and just want him to get better. It would also be nice to not have him throwing up EVERY morning. Poor baby.

Better go get some work done, I will write soon. Take care!

Daddy takes me in the water for the first time. Posted by Hello

Look at me...I can swim! Posted by Hello