Friday, December 21, 2007

Major Family Update

Hi Everyone,

Happy holidays! I know it has been a while since this has been updated. Sorry about that, but our busy lives don't leave much time for blogging.

Sienna is getting so big! We can't believe she is already 6 months old - time flies when you are having fun. She is very close to sitting up, won't be long now. She is also very close to crawling. She is starting to get her knees up under her belly. Her favorite place to be is on a blanket on the floor. Sienna is also doing really well in day care, she really enjoys the interaction with the other kids. Joyce, her teacher, just got a new child who is a few months older then Sienna. I think Sienna will learn a lot from her.

Ryan is going to be 3 in January. He is such a fun loving boy. He loves firetrucks and cars, and yellow school buses. He talks all the time - from the minute he wakes to the minute he is asleep. We love it! He is such a great big brother. All he has to do is look at Sienna and she smiles the biggest smile she can and laughs, and laughs, and laughs. When Sienna is sad, he makes her laugh. When she is happy, he is happy. Sometimes, he will be watching something in the family room and he will stop to come in to the kitchen just to bring Sienna a toy.

That's about it, I promise to try and update really soon. here are some pictures!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A New Baby For Ryan

Hi Everyone, Sienna is here! Ok...she was here back in June, but we have been very busy around here.

This is where I turn the blog over to Mommy to write since I am busy playing with Sienna and my friends.

Sienna is doing well, getting bigger every day. Hopefully she will be sleeping through the night soon.

Ryan is doing great. He is a wonderful big brother and loves his baby sister.

I will write more soon, but here are a few pictures.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A day in the park with my friends

I had a great time in the park with my friends Rachel, Sarah, and Rebecca.

Mother's Day and Aunt Mitra's B-day Cruise

Mommy and I on the tea cup

A day at the carnival

Aunt Mindy and I on the horses

Day at the carnival

Hi Everyone,

Things have been great here. Mommy, Aunt Mindy, and Nana took me to the carnival last weekend. We had a great time.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Say Cheese! Posted by Picasa

HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY TO ME! Posted by Picasa

Mommy, Daddy and I on my 2nd b-day Posted by Picasa

boy this cake is good.  Posted by Picasa

Aunt Mindy and I on my b-day Posted by Picasa

I love my new bike from Nana Reva Posted by Picasa

Opening presents on Christmas morning was fun! Posted by Picasa

Santa came to the house to visit, but I was too scared to let him hold me Posted by Picasa

I love uncle Barry Posted by Picasa

Hanukkah with Aunt Mindy Posted by Picasa